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Our Top 3 Mocktails

From house parties to barbecues to celebrations, alcohol often accompanies any event. However, not everyone drinks alcohol, and they are often offered a plain glass of soda or juice, while everyone else is sipping on colorful Sangrias and Mojitos. How about handing them drinks that are just as tasteful and interesting, but alcohol-free?

That’s right, we’re talking about our virgin mocktails! A mocktail is a non-alcoholic drink consisting of a mixture of fruit juices or other soft drinks.

Today, we bring Autobar’s top 3 best-selling mocktails!

Blushing Berry Mocktail

First up is our Blushing Berry! It is a virgin mocktail containing strawberry puree, pineapple, and cranberry juice. Not only is it super refreshing, but it is actually an energy booster drink too. This sparkling refreshment is sure to be the talk of your event!


Virgin Mary Mocktail

Next up is our famous Virgin Mary. It is a mocktail containing tomato juice, basil, olive brine, and our special virgin mary mix. This mix of refreshing flavors in one mocktail is the perfect replacement for soft drinks and juices.


Evergreen Mocktail

Finally, get ready to sip on freshness and green magic with our Evergreen Mocktail! It consists of apple juice, fresh apple, kiwi, and cucumber, and is sure to thrill you and your non-drinker buddies.